Dog Food Calculator

Welcome To Dogs First Raw Feeding Food Calculator

Simply enter in your dog’s weight (in kilo or pounds), their age and lifestyle and away you go. Please note the figures cited are just a helpful guide, every dog is different. We have provided for you some helpful notes on each feeding type. Any problems after that, give us a shout. 

Your Dogs Weight


Target for Day:

0 kg

0 kcal

Dogs First Webinars

Boost your knowledge and know-how about dog nutrition and health


Friday 28th January @ 8pm GMT

Run Time 85mins | Nerd Level 🤓🤓

A happy gut is most certainly a happy head. We’ve all heard the line “90% of your serotonin comes from your gut” but it goes much deeper than that. In this webinar, we will discuss the crucial role of fresh protein, vitamins, minerals, fats and bioactive compounds as well as the critical role of a healthy biome.


Coming February 10th 2022 | 8pm


Run Time 78mins | Nerd Level 🤓

The top symptoms of a food allergy are recurring skin (including itch), ear and gut conditions. In this webinar we teach you the difference between allergy and intolerance, what is dysbiosis and leaky gut and how to fix it quickly, easily, cheaply and without all those powerful meds that we know he’s on.


Coming February 10th 2022 | 8pm

dog img2

Run Time 82mins | Nerd Level 🤓 🤓

When a product says “100% nutritionally balanced & complete according to AAFCO” what does that actually mean? And who are AAFCO?! In this webinar, we introduce you to the pet food regulators, their truly woeful feed guidelines and the “complete” myth. Bring a puke bag and something to punch.


Coming February 10th 2022 | 8pm


Run Time 53mins | Nerd Level 🤓

How many times have you heard people argue over whether the dog is a carnivore or omnivore?! If he eats some plant matter, how much? Of what?!! This webinar goes through canine ancestry, diet studies and their digestive morphology, and comes with the entire first section of my book Feeding Dogs.


1-to-1 Online Consultations

Speak with Dr. Conor Brady about your dog’s health and nutritional needs.

Dogs First was established to give dog owners no-nonsense, well-researched, factual information on all things canine nutrition and natural health.

It’s clear there is today a terrible amount of bad information out there, much of it a result of the unregulated influx of corporate cash into our veterinary sector. We’ll do our best to protect you from the worst of it but for now trust absolutely nothing in a packet with a picture of a dog on it.