Common Skin Issues

dog skin conditions

The Number one Cause of Recurring Skin Conditions in Dogs is Poor Diet…

The number one reason for folk contacting Dogs First is recurring dog skin conditions. It’s a very common problem largely of dry fed dogs. The good news is we can very likely help you, quickly and easily, without the need for drugs and with bits you can find in the supermarket. Try our advice for a two weeks, you have nothing to lose and they have everything to gain.

With of Dog Skin Conditions What you Take OUT is Often More Important Than What you put IN…

A recurring dog skin condition suggests that something is constantly going in or on your dog that is causing his immune system to complain resulting in inflammation. This inflammation can materialise as anything from a hot, itchy skin rash, nibbly toes, weepy eyes, recurring gut conditions or arthritis, to name but a few. If you do not treat the cause of these symptoms you will be repeatedly going down to your vet for the powerful synthetic drugs that tell the immune system to quit complaining. Like a plaster on gangrene this is not the route to good health.

The vast majority of dog skin conditions are a result of eating wheat, simply removing that (dry food, pet store treats, dental sticks etc) sorts out 4/5 dogs with issues. though there are other causes too. Please grab a cup of tea and when your have 10 minutes to yourself please read (and digest, har har) our very popular article on Food Sensitivities in Dogs. It will lay out the cause of and solution to recurring dog skin conditions. If it’s only a once off, find some simple remedies below!!

for dog skin conditions more important than what you put IN is what you take OUT. This pic shows a collie's sore red leg two weeks before we changed his diet
This is Audrey’s collie once we removed the offending antigens, fed him a nice fresh diet and a few simple additions. Look at that hair growth!!!

Natural Treatments to Soothe Dog Skin Conditions…Â

If he has a mild rash all over this will gradually dissipate on the right food. Sometimes all that is needed here is a cod liver oil tablet per day to sooth the skin a bit. More cool additions and home remedies can be found in our article on Itchy Skin Rash.

a spoon full of golden paste for dogsWhat ever his symptoms one thing that is sure to help his recovery is Golden Turmeric Paste. There’s really good science behind this stuff. It really works and I strongly recommend you whip yourself up some. He will benefit enormously from it – check out all the great testimonials for it on our Facebook page.

If the rash is sore and weeping it might be what we call Hot Spots on Dogs, so check that article out for what to do!

If you’re stuck on anything please get in touch with Dogs First. We’re happy to help with any of your questions.

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1-to-1 Online Consultations

Should you need a little hand holding, I’m here to help. Consultations are typically 1 hour in length: 15 minutes to read your presubmitted questionnaire and prepare for your pet, 30-40 minutes with you directly via Zoom / Skype and 10-15 minutes to write your summary email, including all necessary tips and their diet plan. It also includes a follow up email should you need it.


"Finally! A well-written, well-referenced thorough examination of the raw dog food debate. A fantastic gift for your favourite veterinarian."
Dr. Karen Becker


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