Botanica, For Skin Conditions in Dogs

a range of botanica products

a range of botanica products

Botanica, Natures Healing Energy

So, who’s heard of Botanica?! As we’re now stocking them! Botanica is an Irish company making natural products that target the heal and repair of a great variety of common skin conditions in dogs (as well as horses and humans). And by all accounts they do it very, very well.

There are two lead products that I wish to talk about, a herbal wash and fast absorbed cream, which are used together to treat the affected area. Both products are packed with herbs knows for their antiseptic, anti-fungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine (anti-itch) qualities.

Botanica is effective for…

  • acne type issues
  • athletes foot
  • cuts and grazes
  • dry, cracked skin
  • dermatitis in dogs
  • eczema
  • insect bites AND insect repellant
  • impetigo
  • leg ulcers
  • poor coat condition
  • psoriasis
  • rosacea
  • seasonal allergy in dogs
  • stings
  • wound disinfecting and healing

Extremely Impressive Testimonials…

In the early days, I was perceived to be a madman – the Botanica products were just too good to be true. A simple plant was surely not capable of doing all of these things – people wanted a good strong chemical.

Sean Cooney, Botanica Ltd

As with most people in the natural world, Sean is very far from being a madman. Stocked by vets around the country (and now us) the reviews and testimonials show that his products are incredibly effective.  The products are endorsed by top vets, breeders, groomers and horse people the world over, from double derby winner trainer Dolores Ruth to top greyhound trainers such as Stuart Mason and Tina McGrane, and people as far away as China with Jason Shi (Professor of Veterinary Medicine in Bejing) and Dr. Gordon Sidlow of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, both singing Botanica’s praises.

I can honestly say Botanica Natural Herbal Skin Cream is the most effective wound healing cream I have ever used…it heals amazingly quickly…even curing “sand toe” where dirt from the track can cause inflammation…you can see the results on your own hands after washing the dogs

Tina McGrane, top greyhound trainer


The Botanica products have been used in our surgeries for a number of years with amazing results on all types of skin conditions

Brian Jones, MVBMRCVS, ANCU Veterinary Hospital, Co. Down


I have been using Botanica specifically for my client’s dogs who come in to be groomed and are suffering skin irritations. A high percentage of these are Westies on the all too often routine prescription of steroidal cream and tablets…they always contact me to say how marvellous it is and where can they buy some!

Suzanne Harley-Yeadon, Glen Acres Dog Grooming, West Midlands, UK


I have had great success using your Botanica range of products both personally and professionally for several years

Dr Patrick Mullholland, GP, Armagh


Even the Queen and family are using Botanica, beginning with Prince Charles more than 30 years ago.

Zara-Phillips with Sean Cooney

The midges are quite bad this time of year and seem to “home in” on me. I have a bad reaction to the bites and have found that using the natural herbal cream has helped in the number of bites and in soothing affected areas

Sheena Stuart, Housekeeper, the Queen’s Balmoral Castle


I was about to get into the bath when a bomb exploded beside my house. The cistern in the bathroom shattered, causing multiple injuries to my face and body,” she says.

Both my face and body were very badly wounded as a result of the blast, needing more than 2,000 stitches. I was left very badly scarred. One wound never healed for almost 20 years, until I got the Botanica Antiseptic Cleansing Wash and Herbal Cream.

My son heard about the Botanica products and told me I should try them. I was very sceptical as nothing had worked in the past, but I gave it a try, and to my amazement it worked. I cannot speak highly enough of the Botanica products, they were a miracle for me.

Injured in an IRA bomb blast 20 years ago


For some before and after case study pics of Botanica’s phenomenal healing power check out these Botanica Case Studies.

Typical Ingredients…

  • Tea Tree oil (antiseptic)
  • Aloe Vera (speed up the restoration of tissue)
  • Comfrey (one of the oldest medicinal herbs around, commonly called knitbone)
  • Lavender (relieves pain)
  • Neem oil (natural pesticide and insect repellant)
  • Cedarwood (relaxing and soothing

How to Use Botanica…

Shake wash bottle well. Wash the affected area daily with the Botanica Cleansing Wash (two capfuls in two litres of warm water). Apply the Botanica Natural Herbal Cream to the area twice per day. Do not rinse the wash off.

For seasonal allergy treat in April daily for 5 days then every second day for the following week or two. Repeat in July.

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Should you need a little hand holding, I’m here to help. Consultations are typically 1 hour in length: 15 minutes to read your presubmitted questionnaire and prepare for your pet, 30-40 minutes with you directly via Zoom / Skype and 10-15 minutes to write your summary email, including all necessary tips and their diet plan. It also includes a follow up email should you need it.


"Finally! A well-written, well-referenced thorough examination of the raw dog food debate. A fantastic gift for your favourite veterinarian."
Dr. Karen Becker


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