18+ Foods Not to Feed Your Dogs And Why So [Expert Advice]
The following alphabetical list consists of 18 foods that you
The following alphabetical list consists of 18 foods that you
Can you mix dry and raw dog food? Here are
The following alphabetical list consists of 18 foods that you REALLY should not feed your dogs, even though in many cases we humans can eat them ourselves. The main reason
Can you mix dry and raw dog food? Here are the pro’s and con’s, as I can see them, and I finish with a questionnaire, your feedback would be appreciated…
This is an Article About Cheap Solutions For Raw Dog Food, not necessarily the Best. OK, we’re just talking about price in this article. If cost is a primary motivator
No, raw dog food does not cause aggression. In fact the opposite is true… People often hear that a taste of fresh meat or blood creates blood-lust aggression in dogs,
How can a dog have too much protein when they are protein eating machines?! For a human to over dose on protein they would want to be consuming a diet of pure
It’s natural to wonder is raw dog food bad for dogs, but know the dry food industry is scaring you silly… We have always been told to cook our meat. Today,
Feed Fat Dogs Fresh, Not Necessarily Less [I use a lot of references in this article folks. Some key ones are available below. The rest are available on request]. Obesity figures
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Advice, training and support from dog nutrition specialist, Dr. Conor Brady who delivers his teaching based on no-nonsense, well-researched and factual information so that dog owners can gain a greater understanding of their dogs, their dog’s nutritional needs and the natural health of their pets.
As well as being a dog nut, I am a Dog Nutritionist, Writer, Research, Speaker and Consult on all things canine nutrition and health. My blog, which has become a trusted and valuable resource for all dog owners, is now read by more than 200,000 people per month. I established Dogs First to give dog owners a better understanding of what’s right and wrong when it comes to feeding and maintaining the health of their dogs.