All Dodgy science Articles

What motivates scientists to produce bad science?
The New England Journal of Medicine is one of the

What is a researcher? I’m not sure anymore…
A little background into what a researcher actually does, a

A Constant and Exhausting Tide of Poo…
It’s a Constant and Exhausting Tide of Bullshit. That’s Their

Dissecting a Dogs Dinner
Join me while I tease apart the latest in a growing line of surveys analysing the feeding habits of raw (and dry) pet food. This one by Morgan et al.

What motivates scientists to produce bad science?
The New England Journal of Medicine is one of the world’s most prestigious journals. You can bet your life it’s extremely difficult to get your study published by them. Only

What is a researcher? I’m not sure anymore…
A little background into what a researcher actually does, a note on the state of the science and its terribly ironic saviours… It was during the recent Finland seminar that

A Constant and Exhausting Tide of Poo…
It’s a Constant and Exhausting Tide of Bullshit. That’s Their Plan. A new “knowledge summary” (a clever way of avoid the use of the word “review”, which it most certainly
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