List of Natural / Holistic Vets in Ireland
Below you will find two lists. One is a list of more natural-minded vets in Ireland. These are vets that are OK-bordering-supportive with your decision to feed your pet fresh ingredients. That’s all we ask!
The second list is a list of the recognised and fully trained holistic vets in Ireland (these are vets that have studies conventional veterinary medicine but have also specialised in holistic medicine. These vets are also more likely to be supportive of fresh ingredients but not always. In general holistic vets will prefer to use safer herbal or holistic treatment before opting for conventional, synthetic treatments. They will be easier on chemical parasite control and normally better versed as to what foods promote good and bad health in pets.
If anyone has any other vet in mind, please let us know below or email us on By giving these vets a push and hopefully driving a bit of business their way we are making pro-dry vets actually think about what they are doing and maybe even read up on the benefits of fresh feeding animals. This really is the only way the rawvolution (just invented that but a quick Google reveals I’m not the first) will actually gain pace, to the great benefit of pets worldwide.
List of More Natural Minded Vets in Ireland
Name | Surgery | Town | County | Phone |
Tom Farrington | Allswell | Rosscarbery | Cork | 087 2494059 |
Erica Borge-Nicholas | Ceithre Cos Vets | Tulla | Clare | 065 6835234 |
Portmarnock Vets | Portmarnock | Dublin | (01)6971961 | |
Cabra Vets | Cabra | Dublin | (01) 868 0119 | |
Monaleen | Limerick | 61351204 | ||
Joe Moffitt | Longstone Vets | New Ross | Wexford | (051) 421 825 |
Vet Surgeons With Specialist Homeo-Vet (VetMFHom) Qualifications
Name | Surgery | Town | County | Phone |
O’Reilly & Fee Vets | Armagh | 028 3752 6777 | ||
Isabel Smith | Michelstown | Cork | 086 3822504 | |
Tom Farrington | Allswell | Rosscarbery | Cork | 087 2494059 |
Michael Clancy Johnston | Kilkenny Homeopathy | Kilkenny | 876874056 | |
Jackie Jefferson | Clifden | Galway | 0872530216 |
Vets with HPTG Training and LFHom (qualification to practice) OR Other Homeopathic Training /Advanced CPD Course
Name | Surgery | Town | County | Phone |
Lutz Hassenfuss | Abbeyfeale | Limerick | 068 31757 | |
Siobhan Menzies | Newtownards | Down | 0044 (0) 2891 861032 | |
 |  | |||
Emily McAteer | Portmarnock | Dublin | (01)6971961 | |
Frank McManus Macken | Drumbrochas | Fermanagh | 080-1365-82260 | |
Chris Good-Body | Ballycumber | Offaly | (0506)36489 |
A few people asked could we include the vets stance on annual boosters etc but we can’t do this just yet as it might jeopardise the vet. The vet council isn’t very supportive of vets going off on one. So you won’t see vets advertising or competing on prices for anything, nor will they wander into the dark side of “alternative medicines” (alternative here including herbs which almost all drugs are based on!) too quickly. The result is everyone seems to be singing from the same hymn sheet.