Probiotic Allergy Spray – 300ml


Lucaa+ promotes skin health, helping to reduce inflammation, itching and irritation in dogs prone to environmental allergens.

Environmental and seasonal allergies plague too many cats and dogs today, resulting in chronic skin issues such as itchy, flaky skin, excessive scratching and hot spots.

Lucaa+ Allergen-Free contains ‘good’ (probiotic) bacteria, naturally sourced from plants. These helpful probiotics restore natural and healthy balance to the skin microbiome, easing the symptoms of these issues while you get to the bottom of what’s causing them.

  • Helps ease environmental allergies by restoring biome
  • Works to eliminate organic allergens (food for the probiotics)
  • Thereby reducing itch and irritation
  • Easy to use spray for furry areas
  • Safe for cats
  • Never tested on animals
  • Packaging made of plastic reclaimed from sea

Sensitive dogs prone to environmental allergens are further negatively impacted by the use of chemical cleaning products that work to reduce their skin biome (when we were trying to help it with the above!). There has never been a better time to consider jumping to safer, more natural and hypoallergenic cleaning products.


Water >30%
Anionic surfactants <5%
Biological agents – microorganisms EU Group 1 (proprietary).
Natural scent of Aloe Vera <1%

Instructions for use

For best results, ensure your pet is as clean as possible. Shake before use. Spray Lucaa+ Allergen-Free directly onto the coat and brush through gently to ensure an even application. Depending on the severity and the size of the animal – apply twice daily for the first few days then reduce to one, then reduce as required. You may also  spray the animal’s living and sleeping environment, including bedding and collars. There is about 200 sprays from each 300ml bottle so there is no need to hold back!

Veterinary Recommendation for Using LUCAA+ Pet Allergen-Free Spray:Â

“Regarding application, priority should go to contact and hairless areas of the dog’s body – paws, tummy, groin, armpits and ears, and any skin folds that a specific patient may have e.g. around the vulva or on the face as with most brachycephalic breeds.”

Dr. Richard Doyle, Director of Wylie Veterinary Hosptial, Brentwood, UK

Weight 300 g